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After an eventful week, the general elections in Pakistan have finally wrapped up. As the final numbers unraveled, it became evident that …

Pakistani startups raised $69M in Q4 2021 across 22 deals. This took the total amount raised by Pakistani startups in 2021 to $350M across 81 deals...

A Gender Lens on Pakistan’s Startup Investment Landscape Note: In the following analysis; Female-founded startups refer to Female-only teams (1 or …

The “F” Factor: Overcoming Bias in Startup Investment Selection This blog was co-authored by Cyrine Ben Fadhel, a venture capital investor ...

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Tech Solutions for Women’s Safety: Addressing a Real Problem A Bitter Reminder The recent rape case in Islamabad’s F9 park was a …

Online platforms are at the epicenter of communication and spearheading information in the modern technological world..

The recent rape case in Islamabad’s F9 park was a personal shock that hit too close to home. I remember walking in the park just a few days before the incident...

Pakistan's startup ecosystem has rapidly developed in the past few years. Although currently experiencing an economic..

This blog was co-authored by Cyrine Ben Fadhel, a venture capital investor at Global Ventures and Sarwat Rattani from the Insights team at Invest2Innovate.

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